4Me is a program that provides messaging on healthy behaviours and diet by asking questions, passively tracking FitBit data while also utilizing data inputs from Bitesnap to determine the type of content to send, the right time to send it and the right frequency to send it.
The program begins with a 2-week monitoring period to obtain a baseline for the participant and what areas they need support in. The main areas of focus are exercise, diet, sleep, and stress. The specific breakdown of messages will depend on the participants barriers and facilitators, which are determined through surveys conducted by the research team. These include self-efficacy, health literacy, busyness, motivation, and social support. Participants receive a total of 10 per week; 2 messages from each barrier and 1 message from each facilitator.
Participants also have access to a website that provides them with visualizations of their progress and resources to help them achieve their goals.