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SOFIA was created and validated in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital for children with ADHD to deliver reminders and educational messages to improve pediatric adherence and management of ADHD.

What is SOFIA?

SOFIA extends care, providing families with support and management tools to create a better overall treatment environment for children with ADHD and their families. SOFIA is designed for the parents of children (ages 6-12) who are newly prescribed stimulant medication to treat ADHD. Parents receive SMS messages that include content to help support their children and address key areas linked to non-adherence: forgetfulness, the complexity of treatment and misconceptions about ADHD. 

Pediatric ADHD

ADHD afflicts 11% of children in the USA and has one of the worst treatment adherence rates in medicine, less than 20% after the first year. 

Barriers to adherence include:

However, ADHD is one of the most treatable of all psychiatric disorders


SOFIA challenges the misconceptions of ADHD treatment using trigger questions, true/false and questions and answers. It provides tools for managing social relationships, school and home life, homework and assesses progression of knowledge over time to track behaviour change and treatment management

SOFIA provides targeted and adaptive /formulation-based adherence messaging and adaptive messaging based on refill patterns. 

85% of the SMS intervention patients refilled their prescriptions in a timely manner compared with 62% of the patients receiving treatment as usual. 

The Team

Co-created by Dr Joseph Biederman (Chief of the Clinical and Research Programs in Pediatric Psychopharmacology and Adult ADHD, Dir. of the Alan and Lorraine Bressler Clinical and Research Program for Autism Spectrum Disorders at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School) and MEMOTEXT Corporation. 


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