RUHS-BH and the CalMHSA Help@Hand A4i Pilot Extension
A4i is proud to announce the extension of the Help@Hand A4i pilot program with Riverside University Health System –... – Amazon Alexa Skill To Prolong Independence Goes Live
We are incredibly excited to announce the launch of Ring of Support in collaboration with our clinical partner, SE...
Green Shield Canada launches Dot the Carebot with MEMOTEXT
Introducing Dot the Diabetes Carebot… Advanced analytics and machine learning have the potential to be game changers in the detection...
SOFIA ADHD adherence intervention at APSARD
Members of SOFIA from our collaborative venture with Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) presented on our joint ADHD adherence initiative...
My Bot helps me with my mascara, but can she also take care of my health?
Co-written by Amos Adler (MEMOTEXT) and Donna Hui (ARIAD HEALTH/BLUESPIRE), February 6, 2017 First there was Eliza. Developed in...
HPTN and MEMOTEXT collaborate on integrated care communications platform
The HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) has launched a research study examining the feasibility and scalability of an integrated,...