
RUHS-BH and the CalMHSA Help@Hand A4i Pilot Extension

A4i is proud to announce the extension of the Help@Hand A4i pilot program with Riverside University Health System –...

A4i announces partnership with RUHS-BH and the CalMHSA Help@Hand to pilot A4i

Riverside Nov 4, 2021 – A4i Inc.announced today the launch of a new partnership with Riverside University Health System-Behavioral...

Is Digital Health an Ultra Endurance Sport?

By: Dr. Sean Kidd and Amos Adler A4i Digital Therapeutic co-founders Amos Adler and Dr. Sean Kidd reflect on...

The Importance of Digital Health Enablement

By: Gillian Drukmaler | Business Development Manager Over the past year and a half, you have no doubt heard...

MEMOTEXT Mental Health Check-in and Supports

By: Amos Adler M.Sc. LETS FACE IT, ITS BEEN A CHALLENGING YEAR March 11, was the one-year anniversary of...

Proactive Employee Health Screening

COVID-19 has changed life as we knew it, and likely for the foreseeable future. For companies that are working in...

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