
Join our newly formed Value-Based Digital Health Working Group

There is much talk about the need to embrace digital health solutions as one of the key strategies needed to successfully compete in a transformed value-driven healthcare delivery environment but what are the detailed mechanisms by which we can facilitate this change.

In this working-group we want to define the success metrics in greater detail and establish the mechanisms by which we can quantify success in the context of patient privacy, HIPAA and the general nature of siloed data sources.


The first task of the group will be to crystallize and agree upon the objectives.  We’ll be starting a #SLACK thread to manage the ongoing flow of communications and will meet virtually on our webinar/conference bridge. 

Some example objectives: 

A) Agree on the scope of digital health solutions to be addressed by the working group. B) Define what the ‘at-risk’ or ‘value-based’ model for digital health solutions can be. This will help digital health move from technology centric pricing to quality and outcomes based pricing. C) Begin to define value/pricing models for different stakeholder types (e.g. Pharma, Healthplan and Providers) D) Other considerations based on expertise from Working Group Members

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