MEMOTEXT @MedX: Using personalized digital health behavior change to manage asthma

Oral Presentation Using personalized digital health behavior change to manage asthma Digitial health interventions have tremendous potential to help patients with chronic health conditions manage their symptoms and stay on their medication regimens. For asthma patients, adherence to controller medications is a significant problem. In addition to increasing the risk of asthma attacks, lower controller adherence also increases the use of rescue inhalers resulting a series of unwanted side effects. To help patients better manage their medications, MEMOTEXT, in conjunction with PerformRX and AmerihealthDC, developed HealthNHand, a pilot digital personalized adherence and support program for asthma patients with the goal of improving adherence to daily controller medication while decreasing the need for rescue inhalers. Using real time data from patient self-report (inc. mood, quality of life, perceptual barriers to adherence) and objective data sources (e.g prescription claims data, real-time blood glucose levels), HealthNHand provided patients with personalized and targeted support as well as daily air quality forecasts. Using this data-oriented personalization approach, controller medication adherence improved in more than 50% of patients who entered HealthNHand as poor adherers. Even more encouraging, over 80% of patients who were high rescue inhaler users prior to enrollment reduced their use while participating in HealthNHand. The program had a strong retention rate of 87.5%. This pilot program showcases the power of digital health interventions to improve the lives of patients with chronic illnesses. The use of similar interventions,which tap into the power of patient data, in other chronic conditions should be explored as scalable, efficient ways to improve patient outcomes.