MEMOTEXT Goes to Boston for Unpack! 2015
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March 30, 2015 by Amos Adler
On March. 17 – 18 2015, MEMOTEXT had the honor to attend the Unpack! 2015. Represented by our Founder and President Amos Adler, MEMOTEXT was one of 15 Canadian digital/mobile health companies invited to attend. Unpack! 2015 was organized by the Canadian Entrepreneurs in New England (CENE), and facilitated by the Consulate General of Canada in Boston. The goal of the two day event was to connect Canadian Telehealth & Healthcare Robotics Companies with their Boston based American counterparts.
Unpack! 2015 Day 1 kicked off with an introductory breakfast hosted by the Senior Trade Commissioner of the Consulate General of Canada Boston Thierry Weissenburger, CENE Co-Chair Eduardo Pontoriero, and Pallavi Menon, Program Manager for Healthbox Cambridge. It was followed with a talk by Roy Schoenberg, the Founder and CEO of American on “How New Innovations Can Engage Patients and Providers and Improve Care?” American Well is one of America’s biggest telehealth providers, and has recently begun expanding into the mHealth space with healthcare apps. It was very enlightening to hear a leader in the field explain the complexities of successfully deploying telehealth applications. Mr. Schoenberg also spoke at length on what it takes to turn your innovative technology into a disruptive industry game-changer. The rest of the day was taken up by a number of candid panel discussions and networking opportunities. There was also an evening talk by Tom Ryden, the CTO of VGo Communications, “The Future of Telehealth with Robotics”. Mr. Ryden outlined the progress and potential of telehealth and robotics but also highlighted the challenges that the industry faces. It was engaging to hear an expert speak on both the potential and the pitfalls of the telehealth industry.
After a night of networking and enjoying St. Patrick’s Day, Boston style; MEMOTEXT was back for Day 2. A breakfast was hosted by Nathaniel Lacktman, Foley Lardner’s Telehealth Lead followed with a presentation by AMD Global Telemedicine’s CEO Steven Normandin and Vice President of Global Sales and Corporate Development Dan McCafferty. They explained how New England was able to overcome deindustrialization and become a global centre for healthcare technology. Their poignant success story offered lessons for other North American regions trying to reinvent and revitalize their economies. The rest of the morning was taken up by networking between Canadian attendees and New England based telehealth companies. Unpack! 2015. Ibraheem Badejo from The Johnson & Johnson Innovation Center closed the day with a fascinating display of J&J’s foray into digital health and device innovation.
As a whole MEMOTEXT’s time in Boston was both enlightening and productive. It was incredible to see what New England based telehealth firms have accomplished and the lessons that can be learned for Canada. Unpack! 2015 also showed the exciting opportunities for collaboration between Canadian and New England telehealth companies in the future. Stay tuned to see the fruits this collaboration will bring later this year!
MEMOTEXT improves outcomes for patients and the bottom line for healthcare stakeholders by ensuring patients adhere to their treatment and medications. With a proprietary methodology and machine-learning intelligent systems, MEMOTEXT actions data to personalize and integrate behavior change into the everyday lives of patients. People change over time, MEMOTEXT adapts. Visit or call 1877.636.6898

Amos brings speech, mobile and social technologies together to create mobile (mHealth) and telehealth patient adherence programs. Since 2008, Amos has led the design and deployment of dozens of digital patient adherence and behavior change programs globally while advocating for evidence-based approaches to technology-based behavior change. With a background in user oriented design methodologies, user-requirements elicitation, finance and enterprise scale technology deployment, Amos focuses on solutions solving real-world business requirements with patient centered designs while understanding the challenges of change management in clinical settings.
Prior to founding MEMOTEXT, Amos held multiple technology and finance related positions within the Bell Canada Holdings family of companies as well as a background in social and private real estate development. Amos holds a M.Sc. in Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems from The London School of Economics in London England, graduating with distinction was highlighted by his work within the launch of the world’s first independent exchange for international wholesale telecom capacity.
Amos speaks regularly at events such as: mHealth, Stanford Mobile Health, Health Datapalooza, Genentech FutureMed2.0 and has guest lectured at the Univ. of Toronto