MEMOTEXT’s Amos Adler Presents at the Rotman School of Management
Posted on February 12, 2015 On February 11, 2014, MEMOTEXT was one of the 5 MaRS based mHealth/digital health start-ups, invited to speak at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management’s IT in Healthcare Speaker Series: Start-Ups. MEMOTEXT Founder and President Amos Adler spoke about how MEMOTEXT’s mhealth/digital health communication platform cuts costs for all stakeholders in the healthcare system and delivers clinically proven increases to adherence. The event was hosted by Will Falk, the Managing Partner of the Healthcare Practice at PWC Canada and Adjunct Professor at Rotman. It was facilitated by ZaynaKhayat, Lead of MaRS Health and Director of MaRS EXCITE, along with Mark Kohler, Executive Chairman of the QHR Corporation. The event included 5 MaRS mHealth/digital health start-up founders as panellists. After introductions, ZaynaKhayat explained the nature of creative destruction caused by start-ups like MEMOTEXT. Innovation and new technologies disrupt existing systems but lead to the creation of new and better ones. She also outlined the work that MaRS is doing in incubating promising start-ups and helping them dock with existing partners within the healthcare system. Mark Kohler added to the conversation with the perspective of venture capitalists and larger corporations. He emphasized that promoting the benefits of your technology, its realization of better health outcomes and delivery of efficiencies, is necessary to attract the attention of venture investors and established players.
Amos Adler as the first speaker on the panel, explained that by offering a solution that saves money and has proven results, established players were more likely to partner with MEMOTEXT. Ruslan Dorfman, founder of Geneyouin, explained how his technology factors in genetic testing in medication prescriptions. Newtopia founder Jeff Ruby spoke about how their digital health platform factors in patients genetic history to promote healthy living now, to prevent likely ailments in the future. QoC Health Founder Sarah Sharpe explained how their digital health platform helps engage patients and enables patient-centred care. Lastly, Niall Wallace, founder of Infonaut, explained how his digital health platform helps track disease outbreaks in hospitals, so that patients don’t catch a new disease while being treated.
“There’s difference between running a start-up vs. working for a start-up” said Amos Adler on workplace culture, as the panellists took questions from Rotman MBA students after their talks. Each speaker explained the challenges their start-up faced and offered students career advice. Amos Adler and the other founders agreed with Zayna Khayat that the problem with their innovative technology is that it disrupts the current system which is highly resistant to change. “They never let logic and good ideas get in the way of a politically motivated decision” said another panellist. But all panellists agreed with Mark Kohler that by focusing on the benefits of their technology and its proven results and efficiencies, start-ups can find success in the ridged Canadian healthcare system.
About MEMOTEXT MEMOTEXT improves outcomes for patients and the bottom line for healthcare stakeholders by ensuring patients adhere to their treatment and medications. With a proprietary methodology and machine-learning intelligent systems, MEMOTEXT actions data to personalize and integrate behavior change into the everyday lives of patients. People change over time, MEMOTEXT adapts. Visit or call 1877.636.6898 AMOS ADLER M.Sc. FOUNDER & PRESIDENT