MEMOTEXT Goes to Washington: We’ll be at Health Datapalooza 2015 at Booth 315, cupcakes and all
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May 28, 2015 by
Noah Nemoy
Next week marks the start of one of the biggest and most exciting events in the digital and mHealth space:
Health Datapalooza 2015. Health Datapalooza was launched in 2010, as a multidisciplinary forum on how to best utilize health data and information technology. But as
the importance of Digital and mHealth ballooned over the past 5 years, so has Health Datapalooza. This year, 2,400 people are expected to attend the 4 day showcase of the latest in healthcare technology innovation.
As a company that strives to be in the forefront of digital and mobile health innovation and research,
MEMOTEXT is proud to be in attendance. We’ll be at
Booth 315 in Zone 1 where our
Founder and CEO Amos Adler will be exhibiting. We encourage you to drop by to talk about MEMOTEXT’s
latest research,
newest programs. And while you’re at it have one of our signature conference cupcakes! Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you adhere to taking just one.

You will have only one, we will make sure of it!

With an MSc in the Theory and History of International Relations from the London School of Economics, Noah brings several years of communications experience to MEMOTEXT. Prior to joining, he worked for the Government of Ontario, several small businesses, and most recently on the winning campaign in the 2014 Toronto mayoral election. As someone who loves communicating good ideas to help make the world a better place, Noah is thrilled to be a part of the MEMOTEXT team.