mHealth: You’re doing it wrong.
Posted on February 9, 2015 by Noah Nemoy
The mHealth market is experiencing explosive growth and countless healthcare related apps are being developed. But simply developing an app does not make it an instant success. As the ARC 360
“2015 State Of The U.S. Health & Fitness Apps Economy” report shows, it is utility and taking user concerns into account, that makes an mHealth app successful.
In most cases trusted brand names didn’t make the best apps. Google’s My Tracks, Weight Watchers Mobile, Fitbit and Nike Fuelband all received a rating of fair: “apps customers tolerate because they serve a purpose”. Furthermore, many apps focused on what was flashy opposed to utility. The most successful apps were catering to users who would benefit most from mHealth; communicated with users early on and responded to their feedback, and catered to users’ requirements for stability, performance and privacy.
Just building a cool looking app and marketing the hell out of it is not the answer. Relevance, utility and availability is most important. It’s about the mHealth roadmap for your organization that leads to success.

With an MSc in the Theory and History of International Relations from the London School of Economics, Noah brings several years of communications experience to MEMOTEXT. Prior to joining, he worked for the Government of Ontario, several small businesses, and most recently on the winning campaign in the 2014 Toronto mayoral election. As someone who loves communicating good ideas to help make the world a better place, Noah is thrilled to be a part of the MEMOTEXT team.