

HealthTech Zone Article: Medication Compliance: Is Mobile Health the Solution?

Posted on January 24, 2013 by Elisha Zavier

A recent article coauthored by none other than our very own President Amos Adler, and our Project Coordinator Elisha Zavier found it’s way on What mHealth Professionals Keep Asking- Don’t Patients Want to Get Better?

When former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, M.D. said, “Drugs don’t work in patients who don’t take them,” he could never have imagined the crisis in medication compliance would reach multi-billion dollar proportions – but it has.

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Texting for Health

Posted on February 19, 2013 by Miki Peer

Text Messaging or SMS for Improved Health

In a recent blog we introduced the concept of mobile health or mHealth (“the delivery of healthcare services via mobile communication devices”). mHealth interventions can be divided into two types, depending on the user of the intervention: doctors or patients. mHealth programs directed at doctors are used as aids in data collection or to support decision-making, while patient-directed mHealth programs are aimed at facilitating and supporting behavior change and disease management1.

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Patient Compliance; From Product to Methodology

Posted on September 11, 2012 by Amos Adler

As I prepare my presentation for the @mobiquityinc Wireless Innovation Council in a couple of days, I’ve been thinking about the evolution of how our company went from Product-to-Methodology.

I’ve been asked to look at my discussion in terms of problem, methodology, outcomes and the lessons we’ve learned.

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Social Support and Patient Adherence

Posted on October 22, 2012 by mikipeer How social relationships influence medication compliance
This week’s focus is on social support – an area that has received extensive attention in health research. Social support is what arises from our social relationships; it is the care and assistance we receive from others, especially as it relates to physical and mental health.

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Why One Size Does Not Fit All

Posted on October 15, 2012 by Miki Peer

This week we are going to focus on ‘why one size does not fit all’ or how a single ‘treatment plan’ can be realized in totally different ways by different people. By highlighting the important factors that influence how we manage our health we can show that there are several ways to tackle similar goals.

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A Call to Arms

Posted on October 10, 2012 by Elisha Zavier

Every day we receive, interpret and process all kinds of digital messages and signals. Now, I’m not just talking about text messages or funny emails. I’m talking about the thousands of messages and signals we receive from advertisers, through reading the news, listening to the radio, from various media sources and from professionals, our colleagues, friends and family. Upon receiving these messages we make a choice about what to do with the newly attained information.

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Welcome to the MEMOTEXT Patient Adherence Blog

Posted on July 29, 2012 by Amos Adler

At MEMOTEXT we understand that as our lives become increasingly busy, managing health becomes more complex and challenging. Patients juggle work, family, friends, home life and personal hobbies or interests, and try to maintain balance in their lives. At MEMOTEXT we see each person as an individual with a unique lifestyle and set of attitudes, for which one set of health recommendations doesn’t always fit.

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