

MEMOTEXT’s Amos Adler Presents at University of Toronto’s Department of Engineering

Posted on February 12, 2015

On February 11, 2014, MEMOTEXT was one of the 5 MaRS based mHealth/digital health start-ups, invited to speak at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management’s IT in Healthcare Speaker Series: Start-Ups. MEMOTEXT Founder and President Amos Adler spoke about how MEMOTEXT’s mhealth/digital health communication platform cuts costs for all stakeholders in the healthcare system and delivers clinically proven increases to adherence.

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Posted on January 24, 2016 by Noah Nemoy Advancing the way people interact with their health technology is a pillar of MEMOTEXT’s mission. The greatest part about working on so many different programs for

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Posted on January 24, 2016 by Noah Nemoy As a valued MEMOTEXT client we’d like to give you a sneak peek at our latest technological advancement: SAM! SAM is the MEMOTEXT ChatBot for

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From the MedX Mainstage to the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange)

Looking back on MEMOTEXT’s accomplishments this fall

Posted on December 2, 2015 by Noah Nemoy

This autumn has been an exciting time for MEMOTEXT. In September our Founder and President Amos Adler had the opportunity to be a main stage speaker at Stanford Medicine X 2015. Presenting the abstract: “Using Disparate Data to Personalize Digital Health Behavior Change Interventions” Amos rocked the crowd explaining the MEMOTEXT methodology. He had a fantastic time at the event and the “Cat pics + health data = behavior change” line got a substantial amount of press coverage.

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Click Bait for Your Health: How a Toronto Startup Uses Digital Engagement to Increase Medication Adherence

Posted on November 20, 2015 by Amos Adler

Using digital engagement to increase medication adherence is our novel solution to a complex problem. With non-adherence caused by multiple factors unique to each individual patient, a-one-size-fits-all-solution can’t work and won’t work. Instead, at MEMOTEXT we personalize each patient’s support program. By encouraging patient input, adapting to changes in mood and lifestyle, we can develop a medication adherence and support program that works best.

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If I had $290 billion: Breaking Down the Cost of Medication Compliance

Posted on November 05, 2015 by Noah Nemoy

Medication Compliance is one of the biggest costs to worldwide healthcare systems. 50% of all patients do not take their medication as prescribed and this costs the U.S. healthcare system alone $290 billion per year. That’s a pretty massive figure that can be interpreted in several ways.

We can start by breaking down that $290 billion to show exactly how low compliance rates create such a huge cost:

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EmpathyX – My MedXHangover Elixer

Posted on October 02, 2015 by Amos Adler

Keywords: #MedXHangover #EmpathyX #MedXorcism, #ActionX

So I’m currently suffering from what’s known as #MedXHangover. Its real, I assure you. Fortunately I don’t have #SyndromeX, a condition associated with attending uncomfortable doctor-patient simulations to simulate uncomfortable doctor-patient interactions.

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